Christmas spirit?
We came back from our overnight stay in Cape Tribulation yesterday and went down to the esplanade to find food. A choir was singing in front of the Christmas tree and we were walking around in shorts. It can't be Christmas in 24 days!
We're leaving Cairns for Melbourne on Tuesday to hopefully find jobs there. After that Asia awaits. I've got a horrible cough and sore throat at the moment and hoping that it'll pass and won't turn into tonsilitis...
Bye for now!
- Nastasja
Barriärrevet dagstur
Idag tog vi vår efterlängtade dagstur ut på Barriärrevet ännu längre upp än Whitsundays. Alltså här utanför Cairns. Vi hade förbokat denna snorkeltur med 1 introduktionsdyk också! Olyckligtvis så fick inte Nastasja dyka då hon hade astma för över 10 år sedan.. Det hade tydligen gått med läkarintyg, som hade kostat mer än själva dyket.. men det hade vi inte så det får bli en annan gång. Jag hoppade i alla fall i och gjorde mitt första dyk! Läskigt alltså, folk säger att det är onaturligt att slänga sig ut och hoppa bungy, men jag tycker det är mer onaturligt att andas långt under vatten. Aja, efter att vänja sig att faktiskt kunna andas under vatten så gjorde vi lite övningar för att sedan gå djupare och djupare och "dyka" en sväng. Klappade en enorm Napoleon fisk på läpparna bland annat innan det hela var slut.
Nästa snorkelplats (100 m bort) hoppade jag i med Nastasja och vi drog runt lite. Så svårt att hålla koll på alla de fiskar vi såg osv, så många! Hittade iaf ett snorkel-set mitt i det stora barriärrevet! Så dök ner o plockade upp det! Perfekt, vi har snackat om att köpa det så vi sparar massa dollaros!
Fler bilder kommer
Simma lugnt /DD![](
We made it to Cairns! Now we've done our final stretch by Greyhound bus. All the way from Sydney to Cairns and before that we did Alice Springs to Sydney. Biiiig distances.
We couldn't check in for three hours so we walked around until we found sushi - we haven't had any since Byron Bay which is forever ago. Next door was a Swedish café that served everything from skagenröra to pick n mix sweets (lösgodis). They also sold KAVIAR and loads of other goodies. No purchases though. We went on and shared a latte instead.
Got our room and then booked our Cape Tribulation trip for Friday to Saturday. Can not wait! We then went for a stroll up and down the esplanade and checked out the new black edition GoPro+, it seemed amazing! There was a night market on in town which we also had a peek at.
Did some basic shopping and got some panadol for my sore throat and cough. Hope I'm well enough to dive on Thursday.. Dropped the food off and went for our free hostel meal at one of the nearby restaurants/pubs. Pretty okay for not paying anything at all.
Now: an episode of Big Bang Theory and tea.
Best thing I have ever done
We have saved ourselves so we could do the skydive in Mission Beach specifically as we'd heard it is one of the best places to do it. We got picked up at 7.15 and then got told that we were put on hold when we arrived because of all the clouds. There was only one group before us and after a few hours they got to go. We got called up and were all set to go on the second plane. We got geared up and we both got two really good tandempartners. I wasn't nervous until they opened the door and I saw the first two go and it just looked like they got sucked out. I was third to go and when I was in the opening of the plane I was as scared as I could be. Then it was just pure aweseomness.
Daniel jumped straight after me and said this jump was better than his first!
My tandem man, Jason, had a handycam on his arm and filmed everything. The free fall was sick and kind of overwhelming but still so amazing at the same time. Then when the parachute opened and we were gliding, it doesn't compare to anything else. I got to steere and we did some twirls in the air. When we were coming in to land on the beach we even saw stingrays in the water.
Best day of my life.
Camping with our Aussie friend
We met Ian at a hostel in Melbourne and got talking about the things we weren't to miss on our way up the coast. He then offered to show us around if we wanted to, when we got a bit further up. One of his tips was to climb Mount Warning - the point where Australia gets its first sunlight. When Daniel and I got to Byron Bay, we hired a car and drove to Mt. Warning, climbed it and gave Ian a call. He told us to get in touch when we wanted to hang out. So we did!
We took the Greyhound to Maroochydore where Ian picked us up. We stopped off at this cosy little place on the way to his house.
We met his lovely girlfriend Lisa and son, Taj (cutest kid ever) and planned what to do what days. We decided to go camping by a river the first day. So after an amazing chicken salad it was time for bed.
Ian had woken up early in the night and googled more things to do and found out that we could climb one of the Glass Mountains. It said on the sign - for experienced climbers. It said on the website that it was like rock climbing without ropes. So we gave it a go.
Ian, after our attempt to get up. It was so steep that we all decided not to. And it looked like it was going to rain so we'd be stuck up the top until it dried again...
Two of the other Glass Mountain.
We went to Bellthorpe National Park to do some 4WD (four-wheel driving), eat brekfast and gather some firewood. Daniel spotted a tiny scorpion that we were happy to photograph for 10 minutes, haha.
We carried on through the forest, bouncing around in the car and finally got to this little creek. We saw a goanna from a distance and then jumped into the water. We had a nice (cold) swim and after we'd got out, Ian told us that the fresh water turtles in the water actually bite, ha.
We bought some food and Bourbon for the night and then headed to our camp spot by Obi Obi Creek. We had a few hundred (a thousand maybe?) flying foxes/massive bats in the nearby trees making a load of racket.
We set up our tent and drank some beers and then did some fishing. We didn't catch anything but it was so peaceful and nice throwing the line into the river. We also saw an amazingly blue little bird called the King Fisher flying about. We ate some biscuits and dip whilst we were waiting for our stew and just chilled. As we lit out fire the bats all came out flying over us.
We had a surprise shower come over us and moved inside to play some cards before we fell asleep.
Mine and Daniel's amazing camp bed, haha. So spoiled.
We had a surprise shower come over us and moved inside to play some cards before we fell asleep.
Mine and Daniel's amazing camp bed, haha. So spoiled.
The next morning we were served egg/bacon/avocado/salad sandwiches in the sun. Best morning ever. We packed down the tent and headed to Mapleton Falls. The view was absolutely beautiful.
When we got back we had showers and then bought some tasty AND cheap fish (probably Gummie shark) and chips in Mudjimba and ate by the beach. It was so nice. We then decided we might as well go and see Noosa whilst we had a free day. It was only 20 minutes up the road. We had a nice coffee/lemonade and then strolled down the streets before we all decided that a swim and a few attempts and body surfing was in order. We walked up to the point in the National Park and admired the view. We even saw some dolphins from there!
On the way back we stopped to climb one of the big Bunyan trees. The smaller "trunks" growing from the heavy branches are there to support them.
Back at the house Daniel and I made Swedish meatballs, mash and sauce for our lovely hosts. The next morning paradise awaited.
We took a ferry over to Great Sandy National Park and just got to this amazing beach where there were camp spots all along the dunes.
We stopped by the Red Canyon and admired the massiveness of the red sand. Here I saw my first snake track in the sand....
We stopped by the Red Canyon and admired the massiveness of the red sand. Here I saw my first snake track in the sand....
The view from our campsite.
How amazing is this?!
We had some brekkie sandwiches and then went swimming in the crazy sea, and also did some fishing before we headed towards Ian's favourite place in the world which we will call D.I.P.
As the sun was so strong Ian introduced us to the zink stick. It's way better then sunscreen as it doesn't come off as easy and protects more. It comes in different colours, but we mostly went with white - but note Daniel's pink ears!
In paradise. Here we gave surfing a go on the tiny to non-existing waves and just had a lovely day. We ate chicken sandwiches and then drove to Rainbow Beach down the "road" to buy some beer.
The gang!
On the way back from Rainbow Beach I got to drive a little bit. Everything was on the wrong side, but it went pretty good! We did some fishing attempts before we retreated back to the camp to chill. We had some sweet corn and chicken soup and then strolled on the beach stargazing. We went to bed at 8pm and was then awoken by Daniel trying the get out through the tent wall (after a few beers)....
On the way back from Rainbow Beach I got to drive a little bit. Everything was on the wrong side, but it went pretty good! We did some fishing attempts before we retreated back to the camp to chill. We had some sweet corn and chicken soup and then strolled on the beach stargazing. We went to bed at 8pm and was then awoken by Daniel trying the get out through the tent wall (after a few beers)....
The next morning I got up at 5am to witness the sunrise over the water. We drove to a nearby camping area and used proper toilettes and had some breakfast before we went for a walk down to Fresh Water lake. We walked back and then drove to D.I.P to just sunbath and swim for 6 hours until the tide went down.
So happy to be right there. We had more lovely chicken sanwiches for lunch and then headed back to the campsite to pack up and gather some of the rubbish people had left behind. We even picked up a smelly old bucket covered in seashells to throw on the way back. We gave the car a good old wash and pumped up the tires. We saw the biggest kangaroo bull yet and Daniel said it was waaay taller than him when it stood up to look at him.
A brush (more commonly called bush) turkey surfing outside.
A brush (more commonly called bush) turkey surfing outside.
We made even more meatballs, mash and sauce and had spaghetti boulognese too!
The next morning we booked up our next few stops and then went for a swim. Daniel and I stopped at a cafe and had a latte and wrote about 9 pages in our travel diaries. In the evening we had some lovely chicken parma for tea and just made sure we had everything packed for the next day.
The morning of our departure we all went to Woomoolobar (spelling?) to have breakfast and walk on the beach before we caught our Greyhound to Rainbow Beach.
- To Ian, Lisa and Taj -
The whole week was an amazing experience and we just want to say thank you again, so much, for having us and showing us all the beautiful places. Whenever you're in Sweden, guys, you are so welcome!
The whole week was an amazing experience and we just want to say thank you again, so much, for having us and showing us all the beautiful places. Whenever you're in Sweden, guys, you are so welcome!
Som ena riktiga backpackers vi är så gick vi till receptionen o frågade om de hade en häxsax och en kratta som vi kunde låna. Så det fick vi och Nastasja började röja i mitt fågelbo som hon snidade iordning riktigt fint :) så jag är riktigt nöjd (o jag är kräsen) Tack! Resultatet får ni se på senare bilder!
Skydive today!
Today is the day. Pick up in five minutes to go and do our skydive!
Tältar som fan
Bokade ett "tältrum" á $15 (ca 90kr) och fick låna ett prima tält, marken som underlag och två sovsäckar. Värt! Försöker nu döda alla myggor inomhus, hejhå!
Magnetic island horse riding
Från Townsville tog vi färjan över till Magnetic island, där det visade sig att det fanns massa fina stränder och även sol!
Vi började gå en liten vandring som skulle leda osstill The Forts, vad det nu var, för vi vände i tidsbrist. Men fick se denna fina vy på vägen i alla fall
Tillslut kom vi fram till Horseshoe bay Ranch, där vi fick sadla upp och rida en go runda, ner till stranden
Där fick vi ta på oss stinger suits (mot brännmaneterna) och hoppa på hästarna barbacka för en tur i havet!
Kulkul! Vi är lite ömma idag, men inte lika farligt som vi hade trott!
Nu sitter vi på Greyhoundbussen med lite chips och Friends på våra surfplattor påväg mot Mission Beach där vi ska hoppa fallskärm på måndag! :D
Bye Hervey Bay!
Was just about to put my toothbrush under the kitchen tap when I saw an animal out the corner of my eye. A possum (en typ av pungdjur) was hiding so still behind the wood that I didn't know if it had always been there or if it was alive. I almost had a heartattack (didn't scream) and waited for Daniel to come back and grab his rucksack. He peeked at it and it moved his ears. IT WAS ALIVE! Grabbed our packs and got a lift to the bus station. Are now on the fanciest Greyhound bus we've seen so far with USB-charger ports and everything. 12,5h ish and we'll be in Airlie Beach awaiting our sailing trip on Monday.
- Nastasja
Supermat och ny location
Hej på er!
Vi gjorde Fraser Island (det kommer ett eget inlägg om det) och var verkligen färdiga med Rainbow Beach. Vi tog bussen till Hervey Bay där vi ska stanna till torsdag kväll innan vi tar nattbussen upp till Airlie Beach. Vi sticker ut och seglar på måndag i några dagar och jag längtar som en dåre! Imorgon blir det förmodligen en heldag på stranden bara, så himla gött!
- Nastasja
The belated Kangaroo Island post
Our first stop was the beach where to crazy surfers were in the freezing water.
We went to Seal Bay where this sign stood outside.
Our guide, Ron, told us that that the sandy patha we see here are made by the Australian sea lions (seals). They climb up on land to rest and their pups stay there until they are old enough to go to the beach.
Mum and pup.
Saying hi!
Our pup - Toby Ron.
Wild koala on the way to go sandboarding in Little Sahara (Daniel has those pictures).
The next morning we went to the Remarkable Rocks. The massive bolders are right on the edge of a cliff.
Hiding from the wind!
One of my favourite pictures so far.
JP cooking at one of the many BBQ's that are placed out for anyone to use for free.
Wraps for a change (not, haha. But still yummy).
Heading through to a hidden beach.
Then we went to see the awesome pelicans!
- Nastasja
We are still alive!
It's 6am and it's time to get up as Ian wants to show us the last bits of the surrounding area before we head to Rainbow Beach at 8.40am. There will be posts with loads of pictures when we have wifi - stay tuned!
- Nastasja
Brisbane - Mudjimba
After 1,5 well spent days in Brisbane with a lot of walking in the heat, we're off to Mudjimba to meet up with an inbread Australian guy called Ian. He has invited us to stay with him and his family and we're going camping and stuff for a couple of nights. So if you don't hear from us, consider us lost to the wild never to be found again![](
Vroooom! Byron Bay ----> Brisbane
After a few nice hours on the beach and some great dips in the sea, we had lunch and then a coffee before we headed back to the hostel. We took a shower each, ate some toast and then walked to the Greyhound bus waiting for us. It took us about 3 hours to get to Brisbane through Coolongatta, Burleigh Heads and Surfers Paradise. We checked in and then made tea in the hottest kitchen EVER! Had a chat with a few guys about bungy jumping, skydiving, snakes and spiders, teenage trips abroad and what we're doing next.
Going to sleep now and getting ready for a long day in Brisbane tomorrow.
- Nastasja
Fransk Finmiddag
Igår blev vi bjudna av Mamma och Pappa Daniel på en middag utöver backpackerlivet. Vi hittade en bra fransk restaurang på Tripadvisor här i Byron Bay som vi bestämde för att testa. Vilket vi inte ångrar då vi blev riktigt bortskämda med supergod mat och vin. Nastasja tog råbiff och jag tog anklår! Som efterrätt tryckte vi i oss 5 olika ostar. Supernöjda! ![](
Länk restaurang:
Länk restaurang:
Tusen tack mamma & pappa från oss båda! Verkligen uppskattat att kunna komma ifrån den vanliga backpackermaten för en kväll